Why Web Developers Should Blog

There are a ton of bloggers out there. Who wants to see any more? Well, there are actually a ton of reasons why more web developers should be on their own sites blogging about their experiences.

Make a Website Developer Portfolio

Show off your stuff! The work that you do should follow you wherever you go. Placing this on your blog is a great way to showcase what you did and how you did it. If you are a freelancer, this is a great place to put your money where your mouth is and display your finest work for all the world to see. Generally, portfolios can be pretty boring. Don’t just show your work. Talk about it. People like to know the back story about the different processes you took and decisions you made.

Writing a Blog on Laptop at Desk
Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

Promote Your Expertise and Products

If you have your own plugins or WordPress themes that you support, it is a great idea to supplement this with a blog. This will allow you to showcase different features that you release to the public and field questions from the comment section. You can also feature different ideas about your plugins and brag about the unique ways people have used it. The more you blog about these things the better as many users will be searching for functionality, documentation, and updates as you continue to develop your products.

Additionally, you may want to share with you readers about the different plugins and products that you use for developing. Every single person has his own preference for developer tools, and this tends to spark up quite a conversation between coders and web designers. Give them a behind the scenes look at what you do and show them how you work.

Be a Part of the Community with a Web Developer Blog

Every single developer has gone to Google in search of something that they need in order to fix some code or build something new. Why not contribute back? Believe it or not, there is a huge opportunity out there for coders to in blogging. If you have ever had a fairly specific issue with a piece of code and you can’t find the answer online, you have a perfect opportunity to blog about it. Explain the situation and share it among your fellow coding friends. When you find the solution, update your post explaining the whole process clearly so others looking for the same issue can find your post.

If you are the first to solve this issue, chances are you will be linked back to several times, which will only increase your SEO rankings. This will assist you in your own website efforts as it will organically promote your business and skills online through the Google search page.

Ready to start your own blog? Reach out to us and we can help you get started today!

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